Thursday 24 November 2011

Met with a Car Accident – Remember these Things

In most of the cases, it have been seen that many innocent car accident victims get less compensation than they are legally entitled to receive for their injuries. The main reason for this less compensations is often the result of avoidable mistakes they make. Some of the common mistakes which car accident victims make hurt their claims.

Follow the below basic steps if you have met with a car accident in Boulder. By following these steps, Boulder Lawyers can help you in receiving a reasonable compensation from the insurance company

1) Call an ambulance for anyone seriously hurt.
2) Note the name, address, phone number, driver’s license number and insurance company of any other drivers involved in the accident.
3) Write down the name, address and phone number of all witnesses, including passengers in both cars.
4) The other vehicles’ make, model and license plate number should also be noted.
5) Always remember, don’t make any statements as to how the accident occurred to anyone other than law enforcement personnel, your insurance company and your Car Accident Attorney.

Filing a personal injury lawsuit in Boulder is a complicated and time consuming affair. So make sure you appoint the best Boulder Attorneys who can convince the judge to make the judgment in your favor.

FREE IMMEDIATE CONSULTATION with Boulder injury lawyer, Edward Smith on the phone or contact us to schedule a free initial consultation in person at our office, your home or your hospital room. Additionally, you can contact us directly using the message center above after hours. Initial consultations are always free, immediate and confidential.

Sunday 23 October 2011

A Personal Injury Claim May Be the Only Way Out After a Car Accident in Boulder

Sometimes serious injuries occur after an accident and at these times a personal injury claim may be the only way to preserve a family's financial well being.

Boulder car accident death attorneys are always there to help a client file a claim in the unfortunate event that a loved one is killed, or the client sustains serious injuries such as a serious spinal or brain injury, permanent disfigurement, the loss of a limb, or fractured bones.

After an accident, advice from Boulder personal injury lawyers and attorneys should be sought as quickly as possible since filing deadlines often loom in these cases. It very difficult too prove who is at fault in the event of an accident, especially when neither party will admit responsibility.

A personal injury lawyer who specializes in this area of law can help a client pull together the facts of the accident and prove that the client has been wronged and therefore deserves adequate compensation.

FREE IMMEDIATE CONSULTATION with Boulder personal injury lawyer, Edward Smith on the phone or contact us to schedule a free initial consultation in person at our office, your home or your hospital room.

Friday 20 May 2011

Boulder Car Crash Lawyers

Boulder car crash lawyers at the Law Office of Edward Smith have years of experience in handling personal injury and car crash cases. Since our inception, we have collected tens of millions of dollars for our clients.

Our lawyers at the Law Office of Edward Smith personally handle every aspect of your Boulder car crash case and keep you informed of all significant developments. We help you by offering advice regarding your legal rights and remedies when you are involved in a car accident.

You have the right under law to recover monetary damages if you have been injured in a car accident through the negligence of the car driver. You are entitled to damages which may include reimbursement or compensation for:

• Medical costs
• Property loss
• Lost wages
• Pain and suffering

Our Boulder car crash lawyers understand how to handle the legal complexities of a car accident case and fight for you to get the best possible compensation from the insurance company.

Edward Smith offers his services in Boulder, Longmont, Denver, Frederick, Louisville, Lafayette, Erie, Loveland, Broomfield, Ft. Lupton, and Berthoud, Colorado. Contact The Law Office of Edward Smith for a free initial consultation at 303-682-2944 or toll free at 877-794-3879, or use the "contact us" option on our website.